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Hope Space on Bedford High Street

You may remember the exciting story we shared about a new Hope Space in a shop in Bedford hosted by the incredible team at Hope Bedford. Stephen shared with us the vision that people might have a spiritual encounter on the high street through a curated space where they could ask questions and explore faith. We received news that after two years of Hope Spaces in the shop, the team were met with an enforced closure.  

This didn’t stop the team. “We felt it important that there was still a place in the centre of Bedford for God and His Kingdom to be represented,” said Stephen. After seeing lives changed through encountering Jesus with a Hope Space, the team sought to create another Hope Space. “We decided to try and get a pitch on Bedford Market as a type of Hope Space. Our initial thoughts were to have the gazebo once a month during winter and hopefully expand in the summer months,” Stephen told us. 

With support from Bedford Borough Council and 3 Rivers Church in Bedford, the gazebo in the market opened just before Christmas. “It was very cold and people were more intent on Christmas shopping than stopping to talk, but we gave out over 100 Hope magazines and certainly encouraged those who did stop,” Stephen told us. “The highlight was a time of singing carols and I gave a short word. Over 30 from our church attended, and there was a real sense of God's presence there. We believe God is going to grow the work with more churches getting involved as the word gets out about it as we are passionate about unity within the churches.”


“We built on the lessons learnt from our 2 years with Hope Spaces in our old shop, which continues to bear fruit as this testimony shows. 3 weeks ago 3 children were baptised in our church following their mother just popping into Hope Spaces and giving her life back to the Lord, and they are all from a Romany Gypsy background. We were thrilled!”

This is just one of the stories of people meeting with Jesus that Hope Bedford has to share. God has been doing incredible things through the Hope Spaces on the high street. Prayer has been the fuel for all this. Prayer on the Mound where Bedford Castle once stood is a gathering every Wednesday to pray for Bedford. “It has become a real powerhouse of prayer,” said Stephen. “We feel it's a good witness to pray quite vociferously! In the open air. In a place where folk gather.” 

It just goes to show how prayer does make a difference and that there is a real hunger for Jesus and the hope that he brings. 


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